
Monday, May 03, 2010

My New Blog and Portfolio is here!
Mobizr / Raymond Woo

It showcases my works and blog and everything in one place now.

Monday, October 08, 2007

A year of Silverlight....

Still it's October... but this year seems I am all over Silverlight.
It's a fate that somehow, as Endy said, I have my busiest year so far. Just because of this new WPF, Expression Studio and Silverlight... me, a Hong Kong interactive designer, have to learn all new stuffs again and travel to Shanghai and Beijing. Amazing, hah?!
No doubt there's more to come! The roller coaster ride seems it's not gonna to stop.
And it seems, I'm the only Hong Kong designer doing this thing at the moment....

Friday, July 20, 2007

Long since I blog in blogger?

Hahh! After a stressful week and now I can take a minute or two to blog. Now I'm just sitting on my workbench waiting to train our Sohu friends.

I wonder, with Twitter and Facebook is so convenience to get a short update on my thought... then what role will this blog be?

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

回歸辭典 (選錄)

trackback from: Speechlessness (link)


﹝粵﹞faat3 zin2 ﹝國﹞fā zhǎn





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﹝粵﹞sing4 si5 ﹝國﹞chéng shì



【引申】回歸後,香港當然還是一個「城市」。「城市」裡人來人往,加上生老病死,人口替換流動,實在理所當然,避免不過。 但我開始想像,當一個「城市」不再以人為本,不斷盲目「發展」,嫌貧愛富,一方面只願輸入、留下生產力十足的專業精英,炒賣對未來「發展」的憧憬,同時嚇 得精英不敢生育、或急忙將子女送到外地,另一方面繼續以市區重建和行政手段徹底消滅本來甚為「和諧」穩定的社區鄰里,老弱貧病的要麼忍氣吞聲順從大勢,要 麼持續進修避免貶值,要麼流徙移居到更貧困匱乏的地區。當原來的「城市」逐漸被以「發展」為名的洪濤暗流沖蝕掏空,這個仍叫「香港」、裝模作樣保留了幾棟 地標建築物的「城市」,究竟還是不是原來的「城市」? 就算他朝香港的人口增加至一千萬,當中未必有我,也不一定有你。


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﹝粵﹞sou3 kau4 ﹝國﹞sù qiú




【註釋】「回歸」後,「訴求」往往只換來幾句唯唯諾諾的便宜「回應」,如「聆聽市民聲音」、「衡量實際情況」、「平衡各界利益」、「尋求大眾共 識」、「務實冷靜包容」等福祿壽空頭支票,吞噬「訴求」的口號黑洞也愈吃愈大。現今「訴求」二字容易讓人聯想到屢戰屢敗的經驗,逐漸「發展」出異態的矮化 傾向,意思變得更貼近「乞求」;「乞求」,即期待對方施捨憐憫、大發慈悲。

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回歸 ﹝粵﹞wui4 gwai1 ﹝國﹞huí guī



【引申】「回歸」十年,你我還不是在「城市」裡起床、吃飯、睡覺,返工、行街、唱K,填表、投保、交稅,日復日,年復年;無論是「回歸」了三年、七 年或十年,除了電視演員換了幾次臉,殖民地改稱特別行政區,政府高官走馬上任,經濟「發展」周旋起落,外圍走勢反覆上落向好或偏軟,不同「訴求」得到不同 口頭回應,我實在說不出有什麼重大分別 ── 你我仍舊是電視螢幕前的觀眾,隔岸追討那段水深火熱的距離。觀點與角度的差距再大,我城「回歸」後究竟是「水平如鏡」或「一潭死水」,不難判斷。


【註釋】「回歸」亦指著名圖版遊戲「大富翁」(Monopoly) 遊戲盤內那條機關秘道,「回歸」起點,重來一遍。

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《我們的萬言書2》將於 2007 年 7 月 1 日七一遊行期間於灣仔軒尼斯道、天樂里交界附近派發,出版資料可參見此處

PDF 下載:另備《我們的萬言書2》電子版,採以 Creative Commons 「姓名標示 - 非商業性 - 禁止改作 3.0 未移植或不限定」授權條款發布,歡迎自由下載分享。

Monday, July 02, 2007

My new home - interior design v2

plan2, originally uploaded by ObiRay.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

You know you're Australian when...

From facebook I came across this article... For those like me who trying indeed to be real Australian, I feel both good and shit while reading those sounds so familiar but distant at the same time. Identity crisis is so famous among those immigrate as new aussie from HK in mid-90s....

Try read on:


You know you're Australian when...

1. You're familiar with Neighbours, Home and Away, Playschool, A Country Practice, Norman Gunston, Barry Humphries, Blue Heelers, Ray Martin, Bert Newton, Lisa McCune, Jon Burgess, Number 96, Molly Meldrum, Kerry O'Brien, and of course, Kerry Packer and Rupert Murdoch.

2. You know that Burger King doesn't exist. It's Hungry Jacks.

3. You know that snow is a memorable and freakish occurrence. Sometimes it's even fake.

4. You know the difference between thongs and a G-banger

5. You know that "stubbies" are either short shorts or small beer bottles, a "gimp", "bogan" or "geezer" is a random idiot, someone in trouble is in "strife" and you're liable to burst out laughing whenever you hear of Americans "rooting" for something.

4. You know how to abbreviate every word, all of which usually end in -o: arvo, combo, garbo, kero, lezzo, metho, milko, muso, rego, servo, smoko, speedo, righto etc.

5. You know that some ppl pronounce "Australia" like "Strayla" and that's ok.

6. You know that there is a universal place called "woop woop" located in the middle of nowhere... no matter where you actually are.

7. You know that while we call our friends 'mates', we don't use terms like 'shiela' and 'shrimp on the barbie', contrary to popular belief.

8. You know that none of us actually drink Fosters beer because it tastes like shit. But we let the world think we do. Because we can.

9. You know that if a man has sex with another man, he's a homosexual, and (until recently), a criminal in Tasmania

10. You resent people who succeed over others- everyone should do the same thing, so we all get a "fair go"; a kind of 'American-dream' in reverse. This is why we actively like not liking Americans.

11. You've seen Gallipoli, Crocodile Dundee, Young Einstein, Muriel's Wedding, The Castle, Beneath Clouds, Strictly Ballroom, 40,000 Horsemen, and maybe even Wolf Creek.

12. It makes you happy when someone in Hollywood is actually Australian... Mel Gibson, Nicole Kidman, Russle Crowe, Cate Blanchett, Baz Luhrman, Elle MacPherson, Olivia Newton-John, Midnight Oil, ACDC, INXS, Greg Norman, Cathy Freeman, Dawn Fraser, Pat Rafter, Ian Thorpe...

13. One word: Skippy.

14. You know that Sydney 2000 was one of our proudest moments in history. We just fucking rock.

15. You know that you are not going to die of cholera or other Third World diseases (remote Aboriginal communities are a different matter)

16. You know our country has never been conquered by a foreign nation (you don't count 1788).

17. We know that the Metric system will always be better than anything inches, feet, pounds and farenheit will ever offer

18. You drive on the left-hand side of the road.

19. If you're a pedestrian and cars are stopped at a red light, you will fearlessly cross the street in front of them. 'Hit and runs' just aren't cricket. Because aussies stick together.

20. You think of Australia as being somewhat out of place within the Asia-Pacific region; surrounded by unstable ex-colonial nations who regard you as racist, imperialist, and unfairly wealthy.

21. You know that New Zealanders are basically our naive country cousins, who have a weird fush-and-chups accent, and for some bizzare reason, think that they invented pavlova. Bastards. They are to be pitied and laughed at. They have no hope of gaining the upper hand in the endless sporting rivalry between our two nations.

22. You know that you can't eat Fantales alone... Otherwise who will you play the 'Who am I...' game with when you're reading the wrapper?

23. You know that Sydney should be the capital because Canberra is a hole.

24. You know that Americans think we're all Steve Irwin clones. And crickey, they couldn't be more wrong.

25. You know that Lawyers wear wigs and gowns. And we make it look good.

26. You have some time in your life slept with Aeroguard on in the summer. Maybe even as perfume.

27. You feel obliged to spread salty black stuff that looks like congealed motor oil on bread... and actually grow to like it. You've also squeeze Vegemite through Vita Wheats to make little Vegemite worms.

28. You believe that democracy means the freedom to draw caricatures of good ol' Johnny Howard

29. You think footballers dressing up in drag on TV is funny (but your son being gay isn't).

30. You have the ability to compress several words into one - ie 'g'day' and 'd'reckn?'. This allows more space for profanities.

31. You've ever used the words - tops, ripper, sick, mad, rad, sweet - to mean good. And then you place 'bloody' in front of it when you REALLY mean it.

32. You know that the barbeque is a political arena; the person holding the tongs is always the boss and usually a man. And the women make the salad.

33. The private lives of footy and cricket players become more important than local and national news stories.

34. You say 'no worries' quite often, whether you realise it or not.

35. You know what fairy bread tastes like, and you can't imagine your childhood without it.

36. You know the first verse to the national anthem, but still don't know what "girt" means. And you're ok with that.

37. You've drank your tea/coffee/milo through a tim tam.

38. You know that backyard cricket is a nice way to bond with family and the rubbish bin. And the 'one bounce, one hand' rule always applies.

39. You know that we are home to the just about all of the world's deadliest of animals. That's why if anybody messes with us we'll get some funnel webs on their asses.

40. You see people walking bare-foot on the sidewalk and don't scorn.... because you're doing it too.

41. You know what trop-fest is and it makes you happy.

42. Sausage rolls and meat pies. End of story.

43. You firmly believe that in the end, everything will be ok and have offered advice that included the words, "she'll be right, mate".

44. You have a story that somehow involves an excessive consumption of goon... but you can't remember.

45. You own a Bond's chesty. In several different colours.

46. You've ordered a steak the size as your head and only paid $5 at your local RSL

47. You know that Italy should never have been granted that fateful kick in the 2006 Soccer World Cup.

48. You know how to slip, slop, slap like it's nobody's business.

49. You've heard the Prime Minister dismiss anyone who disagrees with him simply as 'un-Australian', and that's enough to make us sit down and shut up.

50. You know that the value of a public holiday is measured in terms of alchohol. God bless the queen and her 4-day birthday.

And right now you feel bloody awesome.