Sometimes I like to play stupid. Yesterday I wished there's really an "Idiot guide to creative thinking" existed. Throughout the entire day I felt powerless to break my thinking boundaries... simply to find a way to execute a very simple concept.
Now I am on my second day of deep thought. To help me consolidate: an online experience would be defined as what message receivers:
- see / hear onscreen as it is (layout / background music)
- see / hear onscreen as it moves (animation or video / background music stream)
- see / hear onscreen as we move & click (mouse-enable events / sound effect)
- type onscreen (interactivity)
- draw onscreen (interactivity)
hence, with the above elements, receivers would experience the intended & designated spactial and tempo. Designers, as the constructor, should be able to allow the message senders to do the following:
- define within a fixed layout
- define a background music
- define the tempo / speed / velocity of the movement
- define receivers interactivity on written or pictorial interactive response
The general definition is that, a sender should be able to utilize all the senses (see, hear, speak, smell, touch) in delivering the message. With the intended medium in mind (e.g. the net), we must think of a best way to maximize our communication.

The internet is more than visual communication.