I wonder how many in Hong Kong did dig in seriously with WEB2.0.
Web2.0: I am a believer, but not a seriously player. (but I do Flickr and Youtube)
Web2.0: refers to websites that provoke social networking, making something a hit but each contribution and systamic tagging.
Web2.0: are what you seeing in Flickr, Youtube, Bloggers, MySpace...... etc.
Hong Kong net-users are fad-enthusiasts. The media promote one-off hype: from mongkok food to bus uncle. The Web2.0 played into the hands of hong kong youth as a one-off. We all so hook up and bust up the popularity and soon we will leave that and move onto something new and "more fun". I am talking about sustainability here: which is why web2.0 exists. If the players can keep digging and digging these website will meant for something great.
Also, how many do care about the legal and business model aspects of web2.o?
/ Flickr finally get some money after yahoo's acquisition.
/ Youtube is dying, guys, get some notice. They are free (and for HKers, it means a great bargain). But there's no proper income (except you call those Google Adwords). Soon they will run out of money to cover the bandwidth... Rumours say eBay and Yahoo are interested in buying. Still, if there's no money, who would know what happen to Youtube in 3 months?