Steve Jobs VS Bill Gates.. making history
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posted at 3:45:00 pm 0 意見
Another new and exciting features from Google Map. They launched "Street View" feature that you can virtual touring New York, Miami, and some other major US city, on a street by street level... In my opinion, it's a virtual wish for a DingDong/Doramon's Instant Door.
BoingBoing wrote "Google Maps is spying on my cat", do you agree so?
Try Google Map new features now: Click here.
posted at 3:02:00 pm 0 意見
Just yesterday my blog piece mentioned this Microsoft Surface technology. Today news and podcast and everyone around the world (except those in HK, I think), are talking about how Microsoft is creating the world from Philip.K.Dick famous work, Minority Report...
Hey guys, remember this cool scene?
Hmm, last month some tech firm showed us a flexible lcd screen, now MS gives us touch screen control. All left is that finger gadget that allow us to control remotely (Isn't that what Wii is doing?)
The future, definitely, is here.
posted at 10:31:00 am 0 意見
Years ago I saw Yogo had done this for Sony... how come they didn't really get them into products? Now Microsoft (our holy MS!) has developed Surface technology. Hmm... exciting future is coming.
Imagine your living room equip with one of these....
Microsoft Surface website :
posted at 5:48:00 pm 0 意見
A sudden thought leads to to post some of my old comics drawing scan onto Flickr: My comics drawing 1991-1998 and 表弟出城...
Just reminded me of how much I love drawing... my eC visual diary are full of character drawings too... over the years I seldem finished any story but create a dozen unfinished tales... mostly in fantasy genre... my favourite hero and wartales...
When will i have a chance to dg my heads into comics drawing again? Being an adult, an employee, a good future husband and a good family member now have filled my life... old habits, old fantasy seemed very far away.
posted at 1:40:00 am 0 意見
Finally the 2 families has a common ground in our future... now we have a target, an objective, and a prospect for our future. How nervous was I during the lunch hour and now we had found the cord. We began our apartment hunting. We are committed. We are now one... and hope we will stay forever as one.
posted at 10:42:00 pm 0 意見
Bought a book: The Long Tail, named as the Big Idea of 2006.. Wired Magazine chief Chris Anderson wrote this book stating that, with more choices and low cost storage offered by online (digital-based) shopping, people now bought more books fit their niche/alternative taste... making the sale chart plot a very long tail in comparison to the top items...
How wonderful this insights... and I'm already dig deep into its theory...
Saw Pirate 3 just then, and in case you missed it, there's a short 30 secs ending after the credit finished rolling. Will, who then in charge of the Flying Dutchman, return to shore after 10 years the story ended. Liz and, maybe, their son (lucky them got the shot in one go) waiting on shores.
posted at 11:21:00 pm 0 意見
All surprises came just an hour ago. Our parent-parent company aQuantive was acquired by Microsoft.... all in a sudden eC-ers are now Microsoft-folks.
What a change that our client now are our colleagues...
Does that mean...
a) we call need to upgrade to Vista?
b) we can only use WPF and Silverlight for our projects?
c) we cannot buy a Mac?
d) we cannot use Google?
e) we need to use Msn?, no Google talk?
f) we cannot use Flash?
g) we cannot use Adobe products?
anyway.. so much happened since our eC vietnam trip....
and now it's my last night at Beijing Trip #3p.s. we love Bill
posted at 12:15:00 am 0 意見
This is a memorial piece of blogging.
At 19:23, 14/5/2007 (now), I m logging into the Hong Kong International Airport gate area, using free WiFi service. Regular Windows Live Messenger service is block. But I can log onto live via http.
A large paper bottle of Berger King coke right in front of me. With Ron looking sleepy + Leung watching DVDs on his laptop.
Flight delayed til 2020.... damn.
posted at 10:08:00 pm 0 意見
I got to know this new book from PPaper magazine (taiwan), "F30: 30 Essential Typefaces for a Lifetime"... from the cover there's the list of 30 fonts mentioned, namely:
The Face雜誌美術總監、也是字型設計名家Neville Brody曾說:「精通一種字體需耗費十年光陰。」如此類推,本書絕對足夠終生研讀。
每個月總有數千種以上的字型問世,對於許多專業人士和藝術工作者而言,如何選擇適合的字體並精確運用得當, 是專案企畫或設計作品能呈現出最佳效果的關鍵因素。《ppaper》的發行人包益民和School of St. Martin、Art Center Pasadena、Rhode Island School of Design、Basel、Yale的教授們共同編纂此書,介紹30種最著名經典的字體,以及其運用方式。
posted at 8:55:00 pm 0 意見
Finally... after all the hard works.. the demo of the Disney Gadget Demo revealed on MIX'07... to take a look, I recommend you guys to see this keynote video:
posted at 12:17:00 am 0 意見