
Saturday, October 21, 2006

Amazing Client + Fantasic Schedule

"Draining the creative to death" is something that clients like to treat their agencies. "What a fantasic schedule" means we would tell our amazing clients that we will deliver on time, hebce meeting their supernova demand. It's the NORM, not just for advertising agencies, but for Hong Kong general industry as a whole.

This coming weekend and weekday, marked until Thursday, will be (again) an enjoyment in hell. Though I need to stay very positive and make something cheerful enough to sell. Irony, it is.

My girl got her hell of a week just then, preparing for her school great mass with choir. Plus what had happened this week: German class + grandma's funeral + dad's birthday dinner + Bach choir. But nothing can help out apart from urging her to get more sleep.

3 continous weekends with "bring-home" works. I am so so so looking forward to next weekend: Vietnam here I come... hope it will not be rushy duckies.... because all I want is a relax holiday + great coffee.

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